Read the story. Solve the puzzles. Win the prizes.
The game’s afoot! But this time, the foot is well and truly on the other boot.
Or…or something…
Watson has to admit, things are not going quite as smoothly as they usually do. Possibly it’s something to do with all the Thursdays. There do seem to have been rather a lot of them. Or maybe it’s the fish Holmes has taken to wielding in anger. Or maybe - just maybe - it’s to do with the gaping hole that has appeared in their story, and the tall, thin stranger who has found them, and who is asking for their help…
Join Holmes and Watson as they embark on an adventure in a world very different from their usual stomping grounds - a journey into the Land Before Life, where things have gone terribly wrong, and where the expertise of London’s greatest consulting detective is most definitely needed, if a fate worse than severe reality discombobulation is to be avoided…
Or…or something…
Watson has to admit, things are not going quite as smoothly as they usually do. Possibly it’s something to do with all the Thursdays. There do seem to have been rather a lot of them. Or maybe it’s the fish Holmes has taken to wielding in anger. Or maybe - just maybe - it’s to do with the gaping hole that has appeared in their story, and the tall, thin stranger who has found them, and who is asking for their help…
Join Holmes and Watson as they embark on an adventure in a world very different from their usual stomping grounds - a journey into the Land Before Life, where things have gone terribly wrong, and where the expertise of London’s greatest consulting detective is most definitely needed, if a fate worse than severe reality discombobulation is to be avoided…
Three puzzle-pictures. Three valuable mtg cards.
The story is accompanied by three specially commissioned illustrations. Each illustration - in combination with clues from the story - point the way to the hiding place of a valuable mtg card. Think you know where it is? Make your guess - if you guess right, you win the prize!
More info and FAQ's:
Where are the cards hidden, and how do I find them?
The cards are 'hidden' around the country, but no travel is required! All you need is a screen, an internet connection, and access to Google Maps! The story and the accompanying images are scattered with clues: decode them and find the locations of the three prize cards. Guess the location correctly, and win the card that hides there!
How do I make a guess, and how do I know if I got it right?
To submit a guess, you have to either leave it in an amazon review to the book, or in a review to a mtg card you bought off me on eBay. If you are right, I will get in touch with you (so make sure you leave your details!). This is to ensure people can't guess infinite times! So yes, technically, purchase is required! But I've got plenty of extremely cheap things for sale!!
If you are burningly sure you got it right, yet you haven't heard from me in response to your extremely erudite guess, please feel free to reach out to me via eBay or email me ([email protected])
What if my guess isn't completely right, but has a correct element or is close?
In that case, I will get in touch with you privately to let you know you are on the right track!
If I get it close, do I get another guess?
Sorry, no! To do that you need to either get another of my books and leave a review to that book as a guess (I will accept such guesses as legitimate) or buy another mtg (or a copy of one of my books!) from me on eBay, and leave a review-guess on that item. I'm a greedy, cunning bastard, aren't I? But then, I had to pay for the prize cards somehow...And if this goes well, I will certainly be spending any proceeds on more cards and more prizes...
If I guess right, how do I claim my prize?
I will contact you to let you know the happy news and congratulate you! I will then arrange either postage by recorded delivery, or delivery in person if this is feasible. Would be nice to get a picture of you with the prize for the website, and to advertise similar future endeavorers!
How do I know this isn't just a scam/that the cards are real/that there are really defined hiding places?
Good bloody question! I tried to think of a way to demonstrate this, but I couldn't come up with anything that was both practicable and fair. So I guess it comes down to trust. You can see my ebay ratings, maybe that will help. Also - for what it's worth - I am a practicing doctor, and have to demonstrate probity! If you have any ideas on what I might do beyond this, please drop me a line - [email protected]!
When does the competition end?
The earliest the competition will end is one year after release, in February 2026.
BUT - I want to give anyone who buys the book a fair chance - so as long as the book is selling, the puzzle will remain open. If even one copy of the book is bought in a given month, the competition will not close until a full calendar month after this date.
Of course, the competition will also end as and when all three puzzles are solved and all three prizes are won!
I will update the status of prizes won on this page, so check back for updates!
Where can I get a copy of the book?
You can buy an eBook copy HERE. There is no print copy yet, but if you would like one, let me know. If there is some interest, I will make one.
The Prizes:
Mox Emerald (gold bordered collector edition).
You might call this one the grand prize.
Obviously not tournament legal; still, a nice thing to own! I bought this card especially for this book/competition.
You might call this one the grand prize.
Obviously not tournament legal; still, a nice thing to own! I bought this card especially for this book/competition.
Mox Diamond.
I bought this in the 90's, and had no idea it had any value until I was going through my cards a couple of years ago and realised it was a sought-after card...
I bought this in the 90's, and had no idea it had any value until I was going through my cards a couple of years ago and realised it was a sought-after card...
Glittering Caves of Aglarond
Surge foil.
Pulled from LTR collector booster my long-suffering wife bought me Xmas 2023.
Surge foil.
Pulled from LTR collector booster my long-suffering wife bought me Xmas 2023.